Friday, 5 June 2020

Chapter Chat Ponder 3


  1. Kia ora Room 25, we are Room 25 thank you for posting this question!
    We would use different methods to help Bradley, which are; the just try to stop being bad, believe in yourself, remember to bring in your homework and try not to rip it up, have some quality learning time where he can ask for help, keep trying and help him to see what he could improve on. What would you do if you were Bradley?
    Blog you later from Room 25.

  2. Hi my name is Hazel and iยดm in room 24 at Owairaka School if I was Carla I would say : To get better you must try, To get smarter you must learn, To be kind you must be kind to yourself.
    thanks for reading my comment,
    blog you later,

  3. Good Morning, Room 25! My name is Leilani and I am in Room 24.

    If I was Carla, then I would tell him not to worry to much about handing in his homework and not to rip it or throw it away, also not to fight back or talk back to Jeff and his friends. I would definitely tell him to keep up the great work that he has been doing and to keep aiming for that gold star.

    Do you think that Bradley will get a gold star? BLOG YA LATER! Leilani.

  4. Hi, room 25. My name is Maia, and i'm in room 24. Well, this is quite a hard question, because in one part of the book, Bradley said that he would die if he talked to much about school! But if he didn't, I'd give advice about how to fit in and make good friends, and how you could times 3/4 x 2/3 (Even know I don't know!) What advice would you give him? Also, if you want to check out my blog, here is a hyper-link:
    Insert text

  5. Hi room 25 my name is Oshani I am from room 24. If I was Carla I word say be kind and true to make friend by trying to talk to them and giving them some thing.I also wood say Bradly do your home work and maybe you can get a gold star and then you might make friend. Do you thing Bradley is getting better? Here Is my blog. Blog you later Oshani

  6. Hi Rm 25. My name is Neena. I am in room 24.
    If I was Carla and wanted to give Bradley advice I would say pay attention in class and do your homework and you will get gold stars. And also I would tell Bradley not to rip up his homework anymore.
    Blog you later

  7. Hello room 25 my name is Madi and I am from Room 24. I would like to help him in there class. If I was Carla I would say keep trying to keep on going.

  8. Kia Ora Room 25. My name is Alofa from Room 23. If I were Carla the advice I would give Bradley to help him in school would be to keep his hands to himself and walk away from what people say about him or tell a teacher. What advice would you give Bradley?
    Blog you later!

  9. Kia Ora Room 25. My name is Titan from Room 23. If I was Carla my advice to Bradley would be to do your best and keep trying.

    Check out my blog if you want to check it out.
    Blog you later,

  10. Talofa lava Room 25. My name is Keisomani and I am from Room 23. I think that if I was Carla I would give him nothing at all until he is very good at doing his homework. Blog you later.

  11. Kia Ora Room 25. My name is Palak and if I were Carla, I would tell Bradley to try to control his anger and be nice.
    Blog you later!

  12. Kia Orana Room 25, my name is Asfan If I were Carla I will advice Bradley to try and avoid other peoples when they are bullying you or telling you a Monster and also try to work hard and hard so you can be the best in the class.
    Blog you later,

  13. Kia Ora Ms NJ, my name is Helen and I'm from Room 23. If I was Carla I would give Bradley the advice to do his homework and earn so many gold stars. Blog you later.

  14. Kia ora Room 25, My name is Angela from Room 23 and I think that if I was Carla, I would tell to Bradley to do his best with his learning and to be nice to everyone.
    Blog you later.

  15. Kia Ora Room 25, My name is Mehmet from Room 23 at Owairaka District School. The advice I would give Bradley is to never give up and always give it a try and it's as simple as getting a pencil and writing down your thoughts.

    Keep up the work!.

    Blog you later

  16. Kia Ora Room 25. My name is Norman. I'm from Room 23 I would give Bradley a laptop to help do his Homework. Thank you for sharing your learning with us.

    Blog you later.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Ž

  17. Kia Ora Room 25, My name is Fatima from Room 23. The advice would be, "to be kind". It will get better and keep working hard. Blog you later.

  18. Kia Ora Room 25, my name is Muhennad and I am in Room 23. If I was Carla, I will tell Bradley to be good and be responsible and be kind to other people so he don't get in trouble. Blog you later.

  19. Kia Ora Room 25. MY name is Sakaria from Room 23. If I was Carla I would give Bradley to try and do is homework and don't lie to everyone. blog you later.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‰

  20. Talofa lava im Brianna in room 6 if i was Carla my advice would be to try and make some fiends and make sure he stays out of trouble what would your advice be ? bye.

  21. Talofa lava i'm Marshal from room 8 and I would say to Bradley this is the advice I am going to give you try your best and always keep on going, NEVER GIVE UP well anyways Bye!

  22. Hi Room 25. My name is Quan and I am in Room 8. The advice I would give Bradley is to always hand in your homework, even if he thinks it is wrong. He should keep asking his mum and dad for help at home. Blog you later.

  23. Hello, Room 25 my name is Salamasina and I am from Room 8. I would say to Bradley that you should do your best and be kind to other people! Blog you later Room 25!

  24. Hi Room 25 my name is Fahtima and I am in Room 23 and if I was Carla I would say to Bradley be kind, be smart and help others. Thanks for sharing your blog. Blog you later.

  25. Kia Ora Room 25. My name is Damien and I am in Room 23. If I was Carla I would tell Barley to keep on trying and be kind to other people and don't lie to anyone.

    blog you later.


Would you rather...? Ponder 9