Thursday 3 December 2020

Would you rather...? Ponder 7



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  3. Kia ora Room 25,
    My name is Mariam from Room 25.
    I would want to be a Size of a bug But in the same time whale here is one of the reasons.

    1. if I be a bug No one can see me and it would take a long time to go to school.
    2.If I was a whale Everyone would call me bully or I am a fat pig.
    So the best thing I could choose is (DRUM ROLL PLEASE)...A Size of a bug.
    What do you think?๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Kia ora 25! It is Isabella-Charis here!
    I would rather be shrunken to the size of a bug, because when you go into restronts you could climb into food and eat as much as you want. Also I would like to be small because you could fit in small places. But the problem is that people can squish you!
    What would you rather have?
    Blog ya later!

  5. Hi Rm 25 Rita L here
    I would rather Become the size of a ant so that you could be really fast and get through tiny spaces like a door gap by the ground
    And if okay likes lets say you were stuck in jail you could easily escape between the little gaps in the bars. It would be sooo useful and helpful

  6. Yoi Genki,
    I would rather be a whale; one because ants are about 0.75 miler meters to 53 miler meters. To walk to school that would take you one hour and 10 minutes! If you were going 10 MPH while you were a whale on land you could get to school in less than a minute.
    And it would be very cool to be 25-30 meters long! (That's around 100ft)
    Blog you later, Caleb

  7. Kia ora Room 25. Cole here.
    I would be he size of a whale because if you were the size of a bug you might not get seen and get stepped on, also if you were the size of a whale i could become a super hero called... WHALE MAN!
    bLoG yA lAtEr!

  8. Hello Room 25 my name is Melnina and I would rather be the size of a bug because it will be good to be small and you can eat big things.
    Blog you later

  9. Hi Charlotte here!
    I would rather be the size of a ant because I cold sneak out of places like school!!! And you can get into tiny cracks. If you were the size whale you would be really slow and when your a size of a ant you would feel fast but to everyone else slow.
    What do you think???
    Bye have a nice day.

  10. Hello Room 25, Poppy here and I think I would like to be a bug because you can hide better and it would be easier to find food. Yum! Also if you were a whale you would be more endangered than a tiny bug!
    What would you rather?
    Blog you later!

  11. Kia ora Room 25, Dekovyn here! If a scientists suddenly told me if I would be shrunk to a "Coreid Bug", or advance my body, organs, heart, brain, everything to the size of a "Fin Whale" this is my choice!
    I would rather be shrunk to the size of a Coreid Bug beacuase If I was the size of a Fin Whale because I would be a easier target to predators, and the immense sized weight would hold me down so I will go pretty slow! But if I was a bug I would see the world much bigger than expected I wonder what it will be like! But if I was a Fin Whale I might get more diseases cause my enormous size will take up the whole space so its unfortunate that I will get more diseases than expected!
    Question: Why would you like to be the size of a bug? Tell me?
    Anyways if you have time check out my!
    Blog ya later!

  12. Kia Ora Room 25,
    Abdi here!
    If i were to have a chocie between shrinking to the size of a bug or grow to the size of a whale I would choose to be the size of a whale.
    1 It would be easier to go places without taking and transport
    2 It would be cool to have an enormous size.
    3 I would be able to save citizens if they were in a tall building on fire.
    Th@nks for sharing
    Blog ya later!

  13. Hello Room 25 it is me and I would rather be the size of a ant because if I was a big and rare like a whale it will be easier for people to find me. But if I was a little and rare ant it will be harder for people to get me. So that is why I would rather be an ant. would your rather be a an ant or a whale?
    Blog you Latter

  14. Kia ora room 25, I would want to be a bug because I can bite peoples faces and If you were a whale you would be judged for being big and chunky. I would also choose a bug so I could go in someone ear and pinch it and lastly if you were a whale you would not how to control yourself but if you were a bug you have arms and legs so you would know how to move. Anyways, thank you for sharing your blog, check out My Blog
    blog ya later Milo


Would you rather...? Ponder 9